It was great to see Rob Gibson and the rest of the Aussie crew as well as owner Barbara Lawson of LAWSON wines in Marlborough, New Zealand. They came ( all four of them ) and left lasting impressions on me. It was a great weekend's visit ( I think the last weekend of September 2008 if memory serves me well ) with an in-store wine-tasting as well as an Orioles baseball game at Camden yards and later a dinner/wine tasting at my home in northern Virginia.
Rob made a special point to speak to me briefly during each and every one of these three activities. Oh, actually there were four because after our in-store tasting on Saturday night ( the evening - day that our customers Jennifer and John tied the knot ! ) we afterwards went over to Chef Geoff's in downtown Washington D.C. ( across from the National Theater I believe ). Though he spoke briefly to me each time his few words were like honey to a starving man.
At Chef Geoff's restaurant Rob came up to me after the dinner and said simply two things that went straight to my heart and touched me as few words have. He complemented me for the excellent in-store tasting ( Nick Stacey had already done this at the other head of the table from where I say when he toasted me - thanks Nick- loved that, too ) and also made a comment about his wine-tasting operation back home in Barossa. He said that at times he would wonder how to accomplish something there, how to do it ? He then added that he would try and imagine what I would do, how would I handle it? Wow Rob, that's really nice. Thanks for the complement. I love it, really I do. I'm glad you think that highly of me and my way of operating. That means a whole lot to me , one hippie to another.
The other comment that you made was at my home when we did our dinner/wine-tasting at home. You immediately went and examined all of the bottles with Liz not far behind. You took a lot of time tasting, evaluating, and comparing the various wines that I poured ( American from California, and French, too ). They all had lots of bottle-age and so I wanted you all to enjoy some of my old treasures that I have waited to taste and enjoy with special people like the lot of you fine Aussies!
You can see all the wines in the pictures when you enlarge them on your screen. Anyway, when you were about to leave Rob you told me that it was one of the best tastings that you had ever been to. That really touched me to the core and I am thrilled to have been able to offer this to you Rob and to the rest of you that all took great pains and great care when both Chris Pigott and I visited Australia this past February ( 9th-21st I believe ). This was " pay-back " time as far as I was concerned, my small way of showing some of my thanks and appreciation for those two great summertime weeks in Australia.
I have lots more to say and will very soon but want to post this now so that you may all enjoy these fun photos now.
Thanks Rob, Barbara, Liz, Nick, Jeremy, Peter and Chris : you are all the best. Here's to all the great times and work that we have already done and to many / much more in 2009!
Happy New Year 2009 to One & to All of Us : we need it desperately as we get through these trying times and sort things out and find once again our places in this incredible world of ours. Yes, I'm in love with life, have and always been. TONY